Jenny Childs

I currently practise TRE at Newtown and Sth Coast Nowra.

If you are interested in discussing whether TRE might be for you or would like to book an appointment feel free to ring or email me with any questions.

Sessions are for 1 to 1.5 hrs.

Jenny Childs

TRE Practitioner.
Calmbirth Educator.
Clinical Midwifery Specialist.
Masters in Midwifery.
Degree in Midwifery.
Graduate Diploma in Nursing.

Description of Services

I have worked in the mainstream healthcare system for over 30 yrs and within midwifery for 20yrs. After studying Masters in Midwifery based on mind/body connection 20 yrs ago I became particularly focused on this relationship leading me to teach specific skills in enhancing the birth experience through becoming a Calmbirth Practitioner.

This particular pathway led me further into the body and how the body holds tension and trauma over our lifetime both in little increments of day to day stressors and through big and traumatic events.  All of which impact our mind/body in ways that we cannot always know through our rational mind.

TRE is a gentle and kind way of letting go of these stressors through simple exercises.  It increases the space inside ourselves allowing for more aliveness, capacity, energy and connection. It really does have profound benefits.

I am particularly taken with the kindness of this practise and urge you to consider TRE for that reason. Sometimes solutions are much simpler and more intelligent than we could ever imagine.

Contact Information

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